Topic: Crisis Response


INDIA In times of flooding life goes on

“I have never experienced such fear as I did in the last few days,” says the very soft-spoken Sarita Devi, a resident of Majura village, in the flooded district of Supaul, Bihar state. “I was full-term pregnant when the waters began to rise.”


INDIA Fighting to reach dry land

The desolation and pain in the eyes of Rihana Kahtun is palpable. I met her in Triveniganj, where she was sitting by the banks of the furious Kosi river, staring vacantly ahead. After a bit of prodding, she shared her encounter with one of the worst floods that India has seen in more than 50 years.


HAITI CARE bracing for humanitarian emergency following storm

PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI (September 3, 2008) – The humanitarian situation in parts of Haiti can be expected to deteriorate rapidly after tropical storm Hanna hit the country’s northern coast, CARE warned on Wednesday. Hanna, with winds reaching 70 miles per hour (113 k.p.h) and heavy rains, affected the whole country, starting on Monday night and continuing through Tuesday.


INDIA Fear of water borne diseases in flood zones

SUPAUL, INDIA (September 3, 2008) – CARE’s emergency team in the flood-affected Supaul district of Bihar state warns that standing pools of water created by the floodwaters provide a breeding ground for water-borne disease and malaria. CARE is one of the agencies coordinating with the government to provide food and emergency supplies to survivors in one of the worst floods to hit India in the past 50 years.


KENYA Women seek justice for post election violence

Every morning she wakes up to his frightening face, a look she wants to erase from her memory but one she cannot escape. “He assaulted me with a machete and slashed my ribs before raping me,” she says as she recounts the nightmare she lived through during the Kenya post election violence earlier this year.