Topic: Crisis Response


RWANDA Building a life from scratch

Canizius Ukurikiyimana was only 19-years-old when he was forced to leave Tanzania and resettle in Rugeyo, a small village in Rwanda’s eastern province. He is one of many thousands of Rwandans who were expelled from Tanzania in late 2006, leaving almost everything he worked for and loved behind. For Canizius, this meant his entire family.


HAITI CARE distributes hygiene kits to storm survivors

PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI (October 8, 2008) – In response to grave sanitary conditions in flood-affected regions of Haiti, CARE is distributing hygiene kits to 1,500 families, or about 7,500 people, in the greater Gonaïves region. These kits contain personal hygiene items (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, detergent), as well as chlorine tablets to disinfect water. CARE continues to seek further funding to expand the distributions.


NEPAL Saving the Koirala family

It was still raining heavily when the 16-member Koirala family went to bed on the night of September 19. Just before retiring, Laxmi Koirala silently prayed to the rain gods. Incessant rain at this time of the year only meant two things – flooding and ruined rice fields, just before harvest time.


HAITI A firm-handed woman

Moving energetically, she hoists big cans of cooking oil, passing them to women who divide them among themselves, along with the food distributions they’ve received. Sylvie Clermont is dripping with sweat. It is 40°C and today the distribution is taking place in the open, not a shady spot in sight. But the heat isn’t stopping Sylvie. She keeps up a tireless pace. The instructions are clear: to work as fast as possible so the women in the queue don’t have to wait too long in the infernal heat.


ZIMBABWE food crisis looms if donors do not fund WFP appeal

The UN has said three million people are already reliant on aid, and that figure could rise to five million. CARE is one of WFP’s largest partners in Zimbabwe, and is also a member of the Consortium for Southern African Food Emergency food distribution program funded by USAID Food for Peace. CARE plans to steadily increase food distributions each month from about 450,000 people in October to more than 900,000 people per month in the peak hunger period from January to March.


HAITI The courage to save herself and others

Islande Bonne Joseph is sitting in front of me wearing a pretty checked dress, her hair carefully tied back. Her huge smile is warm and heartfelt. Dressed in her Sunday clothes Islande may look timid, but this young woman is anything but. When Hurricane Ike hit Gonaives in Haiti, Islande displayed great courage in leading her neighbours to safety on top of her house as floodwaters rose dangerously high.