Topic: Crisis Response


COTE DIVOIRE A garden of cohesion

Côte d’Ivoire was once recognized as a model of political stability and economic prosperity in West Africa. However, since 1999 it has been host to political and ethnic conflicts that have resulted in the displacement of thousands of people. Despite this difficult situation many women and men continue to strive towards peace and community development. One such person is Hélène. This is her story



"I am from the village of Ntamugenga which is near Rutshuru. On the 28th October during the night there was a lot of shooting during the night and when we heard it we were very worried and didn’t know what to do. There was then more than just shooting, there was a lot of noise coming from other types of weapons.


UGANDA CARE distributes emergency supplies to DRC refugees

Congolese refugees flooding into transit camps in neighbouring Uganda desperately need food and emergency supplies, says CARE emergency staff in Matanda transit camp. CARE has already distributed 2,000 tarps in the camp, after more than 11,000 people arrived here in the past week, fleeing the violence in the North Kivu region of DR Congo.