Topic: Crisis Response


CHAD CARE warns that instability threatens refugee lifeline

CHAD (February 8, 2008) – Stability in N’Djamena is crucial for the well-being of hundreds of thousands of refugees in Eastern and Southern Chad, CARE warned today. “N’Djamena is not only the primary route for most essential items for these refugee camps, it is key to ensuring security around Eastern Chad and therefore facilitating CARE’s assistance operations.” said Nicolas Palanque, Country Director with CARE Chad.


CARE Evaluation Policy 2008

This Evaluation Policy is being articulated to help CARE achieve its vision and mission of poverty reduction and rights fulfillment, through the promotion of institutional accountability, continuous learning, and transparent sharing of project and program evaluations both internally and externally.


Kenya A community comes to the rescue

NAIROBI (January 30, 2008) – Dorah Nyanja is visibly moved as she recounts her ordeal though she can’t conceal a radiant smile. She is keenly aware that the community she serves protected her at a time when things were out of control and violence in Kibera made headlines news around the world.


Kenya violence has long term consequences

NAIROBI (January 14, 2008) – In the aftermath of post-election violence, CARE staff visiting camps and settlements for internally displaced people in western Kenya have found a major crisis. Thousands of individuals and families are seeking refuge in churches, police stations and schools because their homes were destroyed.