Topic: Crisis Response


MADAGASCAR Humanitarian actors warn of impending catastrophe

ANTANANARIVO (April 22, 2009) – Madagascar is facing an evolving humanitarian crisis of proportions unprecedented in its history. The country was already facing an extremely worrisome drought in the south, to which has been added the effects of cyclones and tropical storms while also being hit with food insecurity caused by the ongoing civil unrest in the capital of Antananarivo and elsewhere.


CHAD CARE warns of possible spillover

N’DJAMENA, REPUBLIC OF CHAD (March 11, 2009) – CARE is expressing deep concern over the humanitarian situation in Darfur following the expulsion of non-governmental aid organisations from the region. A worst-case scenario could see the humanitarian situation again spill over into neighbouring countries like Chad.


ZIMBABWE Deadly cholera epidemic threatens to become an annual crisis

“Every single day, people are coming up to us, saying ‘help us!’. But we don’t have the supplies people need and we don’t have the money,” said Stephen Gwynne-Vaughan, Country Director for CARE in Zimbabwe. “Water and sanitation systems need to be repaired now, or this will become an annual crisis and more people will die. And that’s unacceptable. Cholera is treatable. No one needs to die from cholera.”


ZIMBABWE Cholera epidemic

By Julia Newton-Howes, the chief executive of CARE in Australia. She is currently visiting CARE projects in Zimbabwe. The cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe so far has affected 70,640 people and caused the death of more than 3,400 persons (WHO figures, as of February 9th, 2009).


WEST BANK GAZA Staff blogs about the conflict

Jawad Harb is a Palestinian living in Rafah, Gaza, with his wife and six children. Harb has worked with CARE since 2002, managing a program supporting women’s centres in Gaza. Since the conflict began Dec. 27, Harb’s program has stopped operating because of the constant bombing.Throughout the 22-day conflict, Harb maintained a regular blog about his family’s experiences.


CARE assessment of humanitarian assistance

GAZA, Occupied Palestinian Territories (January 21, 2009) – In one of the first rapid assessments of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, a shocking 89 percent of respondents to a CARE survey indicated that they have not received any humanitarian assistance since the conflict started Dec. 27.