Topic: Crisis Response


VIETNAM LAOS CARE emergency teams brace for typhoon Ketsana

CARE emergency teams in Vietnam and Laos are preparing to respond as the deadly Typhoon Ketsana continues its path towards mainland Asia. The typhoon, which killed 140 people and left more than 150,000 homeless in the Philippines over the weekend, is expected to make landfall in Vietnam and Laos tomorrow morning local time.


HORN OF AFRICA Hunger crisis worsening

As a prolonged drought ravages communities in the Horn of Africa, destroying crops, killing livestock and leaving more than 20 million people in need of emergency food assistance, CARE is warning that the international community must act now or risk a full-blown humanitarian disaster.


INDONESIA Tsunami five years later

It was high noon in Banda Aceh, a city that was devastated by the great tsunami in late 2004. The capital of the northernmost province on Sumatra and in Indonesia sounds rather quiet. For the past five years, it has struggled to re-emerge. Today, rows of new buildings are seen in every corner: offices, stores, houses, and schools. All were painted in modern colors. A sign of the city’s rebirth.


GEORGIA One year after the conflict

One year has passed since the conflict sparked between Georgia and Russia. Running from their homes on both sides of the fighting, over 130,000 people ended up in the homes of relatives, in music schools, fire stations, abandoned hospitals, factories and tents. Although the conflict lasted just seven days, hundreds of thousands of people remain affected psychologically, socially and economically.