Topic: Crisis Response


BENIN The story of a woman from Kompa

Gado Fathi lives in the village of Kompa in Benin, a small country in West Africa. She is an old woman of about 65 years. Before the floods arrived, she lived together with her grandchildren, two boys aged three and five.


BENIN People need water shelter and food

Heavy floods are currently affecting the north of Benin in West Africa. In the past months, the neighboring Republic of Niger has experienced heavy rains which resulted in flooding of the Niger river – and the water masses have crossed the border into northern Benin, washing away bridges and houses, destroying farmlands and crops.


DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Food distribution for displaced people in Masis

“We heard shooting and when we realized it was coming closer we took our baby and ran.” They had no time to take clothes, cooking pots, or any other belongings with them. “I waited for a few hours until the gunfire was gone and then went back to the house to get food, but the village and my house were burnt down,” Jean, the 20-year old father recounts of his flight.


WBG Quartet action needed to keep Palestinian villages on the map

The government of Israel’s eviction and demolition plans for 13 Palestinian villages in the Hebron Hills [1] come as demolition and displacement rates have hit a three-year high, adding to the uncertainty about the future for Palestinians living in the Israeli-controlled Area C of the West Bank, a group of 30 aid, development and human rights organizations warned today.