Topic: Crisis Response


MYANMAR CARE distributing supplies to earthquake survivors

15 November 2012 -- CARE to distribute hundreds more family and shelter kits to Myanmar earthquake survivors. Thousands of people affected by Sunday’s earthquake in Myanmar are being provided with shelter and family kits as CARE International’s emergency response team begins a second distribution to those most in need.


GUATEMALA A shelter for Rafael

“I’ve been living by myself for 35 years now. My four sisters and four brothers don’t remember me. I am all by myself.” Rafael Bernardo Fuentes Orozco is 72 years old and lives in San Cristóbal Cucho in the department of San Marcos, Guatemala.


CI Evaluation Policy Espanol

La presente Política de Evaluación está siendo articulada para ayudar a CARE a hacer realidad su visión y su misión de reducir la pobreza y hacer valer los derechos de las personas, mediante la promoción de la responsabilidad institucional, el aprendizaje continuo, y el intercambio transparente de evaluaciones de proyecto y programa, tanto dentro como fuera de CARE.