Topic: Crisis Response


MALI More than 235000 people displaced by conflict

Mali has experienced massive population movements since fighting erupted two weeks ago in the northern cities of Gao, Kidal, and Timbuktu. More than 107,000 people have been displaced within Mali, according to the World Food Programme, and more than 128,000 refugees have fled to other countries, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.


JORDAN 400 Syrian refugees arriving daily

As the conflict in neighboring Syria continues, more and more refugees are arriving in Jordan. “The number of refugees has increased in the past days. Up to 400 people arrive now daily from Syria”, says Kevin Fitzcharles, CARE Jordan’s Country Director.


NIGER The women of Maijanjare

The thick calloused soles of the feet of the women with whom I sat in the tiny village of Maijanjaré in Niger, seven hours by road away from the capital Niamey, tell their own story.


JAPAN One year after the tsunami from relief to recovery

One year after the enormous earthquake and tsunami that resulted in massive destruction in the North of Japan, CARE continues to provide support for communities recovering from the disaster. On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck near the northeast coast of Honshu and triggered devastating tsunami waves that caused extensive and severe damage.


NIGER And now refugees

This couldn’t have come at a worse time – not that there is ever a good time for brutal fighting that burns people’s homes to the ground and sends them running in fear to another country. More than 130,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in Mali, and many of them have arrived here in Niger, a country that is already in the grips of a worsening food crisis