Topic: Crisis Response


HAITI Earthquake Three Years Later CARE Banks on Women in Recovery

Port-Au-Prince (January 10, 2013): Three years after a deadly earthquake devastated Haiti, a web of political gridlock, donor fatigue and chaotic property laws continues to stall rebuilding in one of the world’s poorest countries. But the humanitarian organization CARE is working to remove another, oft-overlooked barrier — lack of participation by women — as a way to strengthen recovery efforts and build a better foundation for the future.


CARE in Emergencies Newsletter Newsletter January 2013

We are excited to announce the launch of our CARE International Humanitarian and Emergency strategy 2013 – 2020. This strategy is the result of the efforts of many CARE colleagues, who have contributed to its development and to its review in various discussions all around our CARE world.


PHILIPPINES CARE responds to cyclone Bopha

Tropical cyclone Bopha made landfall in the Philippines on December 4, sweeping across the southern islands and affected 26 of the Philippines’ 80 provinces. Winds of up to 210 kilometres per hour have triggered flash floods, landslides, and widespread damage to homes and farms.