Topic: Crisis Response


MALI Stories of survival

I had to leave my village of Temara (Goundam area, Timbuktu region) eight months ago because of the crisis in the north of Mali. Since then, I have been living in Sevare (Mopti region) with my family and that of my brother - about 20 people – in a house we have been renting in the commune of Walirde.


MALI Nightmares from Diabaly

“My house is about a dozen metres from the military camp in Diabaly. This Thursday, at 5 in the morning, we heard gunfire between armed groups and the Malian army, which had rigorously counterattacked against the armed groups in Alatona, at the entrance to the town.


MALI CARE International responds to the escalating crisis

Bamako, Mali (January 23, 2013) — Amidst the escalating violence and with all eyes focused on the current security crisis in Mali, CARE International staff in the trouble-torn region of the country is distributing food to families in desperate need of help. CARE is planning to expand its response in the coming days, to provide people with essentials like tarps, blankets, sleeping mats, soap, and kitchen utensils. But more funding and access is urgently required to reach everyone in need.


BANGLADESH Coldest winter in 45 years

This year Bangladesh has experienced its coldest winter in the last forty-five years, with temperatures dropping to two degree Celsius in some areas in the North. The cold wave began sweeping across the country around the middle of December and based on the three-month forecast (December 2012 to February 2013) from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), moderate to severe cold waves will continue through January.