Topic: Crisis Response


SOUTH SUDAN Story of Peter

Peter Bothi is a storekeeper with the CARE South Sudan team in Bentiu. He is in charge of maintaining the inventory records of the stocks from the clinic and office that were once in Bentiu town but which are now currently being occupied by soldiers and where a number of CARE


GAZA Colossal Strain On Medical Services In Gaza As Hospitals Struggle To Cope With Casualties

25 July 2014 - Aid workers from the humanitarian aid agency CARE International are warning of the colossal strain on medical services and hospitals in Gaza as the violence shows no signs of stopping. Hospitals are being used as places of refuge with people sleeping on the floors and corridors. The continuing bombardment is preventing urgent medical supplies from entering Gaza.


SYRIA Gifts and Wishes

In a few days Muslims around the world will celebrate their most important religious holidays: Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, an entire month of fasting from dawn until sunset. This Ramadan has probably been the hottest and longest Ramadan that I have ever been through in my life.