Topic: Crisis Response


GAZA A Bedtime Story For Rafiq

On Thursday night, we have received a pre-recorded call from the Israeli army which told us to evacuate our houses. My neighborhood is close to the beach so it is not a safe place.


GAZA Ceasefire Offers Only A Brief Respite For Fearful Families In Gaza

Father of five Mostafa Kahlout is a CARE Economic Empowerment Program coordinator in Gaza. His role involves helping more than 8,000 vulnerable households in Gaza to access food and earn an income, mostly through small scale farming. Mostafa and his family live in Gaza, and have barely left the house since the Israeli military operation began last week.


Gaza Escalating Violence

11 July 2014 - Over the past week, Gaza and southern Israel have seen a severe escalation of violence. On the night of July 7th, the Israeli army launched a military operation in the Gaza strip while rockets continued to be fired at southern Israel from Palestinian territory.


GAZA In Gaza A Father Hides His Fear From His Children

Father of five Mostafa Kahlout is a CARE Economic Empowerment Program coordinator in Gaza. His role involves helping more than 8,000 vulnerable households in Gaza to access food and earn an income, mostly through small scale farming. Mostafa and his family live in Gaza, and have barely left the house since the Israeli military operation began last week.


JORDAN From Trauma to Creativity

“I was unable to speak to anyone for four months when we first fled to Jordan, not even my own family,” says Aya, 17 year old Syrian girl. Aya is one of 22 Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian girls and boys who rehearsed for a theatre play, titled Wa Yabqa Al Amal, which means “Hope Remains“, that they presented on World Refugee Day.