Topic: Crisis Response


LEBANON Life Must Continue

Daraya is a small village in the Mount Lebanon region, about an hour drive from the Lebanese capital Beirut. This is where Ayham lives. His house is in the middle of a little forest.


SOUTH SUDAN A Year Without Hope Nyabels Story

The oldest of seven children, fifteen-year old Nyabel* is the de-facto leader of her family. Less than one year ago, she was in Form 4 (year 10) at her school in Bongki, and doing well in her studies, particularly in English and Arabic.


LEBANON A Piece of Me

I had only minutes to leave my home in Syria. I took my house keys with me – just like my grandfather did back in 1948 when he had to flee from his home in Palestine. I remember asking myself: “Will I be like you grandpa? Will I never go back home like you never went back? Will I have to flee a second time? How hard will that be?”