Topic: Crisis Response


PHILIPPINES Sunshine After the Storm

After six months, CARE caught up with Lourdes, the mother who gave birth inside Our Mother of Perpetual Parish church in Tacloban during the height of super typhoon Haiyan. She named her baby after the typhoon’s local term, “Yolanda”.


Risk of Relapse Somalia Crisis Alert

The sad truth is that these statistics from Somalia are better than previous years, so this is celebrated as a success. But “better” is not the same as “success” in a context where most aspects of everyday life fall far below acceptable living standards.


Risk of Relapse - Somalia Crisis Update

Somalia presents a unique and challenging context where destabilising factors like conflict and cyclical drought are a regular feature. While gains have been made, communities still remain only one shock away from disaster. As we learned in 2011, not heeding the warning signs of crisis in already fragile communities can lead to tragedy.


SOUTH SUDAN Hungry for Peace

Nyakuic Tap brought her baby to CARE’s mobile clinic set up under a shade tree in the dirt yard of Bentiu’s Catholic church. Twelve-month old Giunb Tap alternately tried


SOUTH SUDAN NGOs Condemn Attacks on Civilians in South Sudan

We strongly condemn all attacks that have taken place against civilians during this conflict, most recently at the UN peacekeeping base in Bor on 17th April and in the town on Bentiu on 15th – 18th April. Civilians have been targeted on the basis of their ethnicity, others indiscriminately killed, and many subjected to unspeakable grave human rights abuses including rape.