Topic: Crisis Response


JORDAN Half a Year on in Azraq Camp

The wind had really picked up and I started to shiver. The desert seemed to be hell-bent on showing its inhospitable face. “Already past 4:30, I don’t get it,” mumbled the old man into his steaming coffee. His neat uniform holds the emblem of a private security company.


SIERRA LEONE Orphaned by Ebola a Life in Limbo

While assessing the effects of Ebola on the lives of children in Moyamba district, Southern Sierra Leone, I met 17-year-old Josephine Ngagba. Her story broke my heart. But it also strengthened my resolve to fight this terrible, devastating disease.


LEBANON In the Middle of Nowhere

Many Syrian refugees who were displaced to Lebanon fear the approaching winter, as they are living in unfinished buildings or awfully inadequate housing. Nadia is a Syrian mother of eight who fled Aleppo one year ago to Sibline in Mount Lebanon, where temperature in winter drops below zero degrees Celsius and snow storms are common.


CHAD Aziza Aims for the Runway

„I went out to get bread because we were running out of food. My family stayed in the house where we had been hiding from the violence around us.“ Aziza’s 17-year-old face shows no sign of emotion at first when she recounts the day that changed her life in the most atrocious way imaginable. The young woman lived in the Central African Republic’s capital Bangui with her parents, sisters and brothers.


WEST AFRICA CARE scales up to halt spread of Ebola

One of the most critical ways to prevent infection is through proper hygiene, so CARE will be ramping up the next phase of its prevention efforts in Sierra Leone and Liberia to distribute soap, water buckets, gloves and chlorine; as well as demonstrating proper hand washing techniques