Topic: Crisis Response


HAITI Cholera One year after

PORT-AU-PRINCE (October 24, 2011) – Since the cholera outbreak began in October 2010, CARE has been implementing its response program in some of the country’s most-affected regions; namely Grande-Anse, Upper Artibonite and Northwest departments.


PAKISTAN A day in the CARE health camp

The monsoon floods of August 2011 have displaced millions of people from their modest huts in the areas of lower Sindh province. After almost three months stranded under open sky, many are still waiting for proper temporary shelter, water, sanitation and healthcare support.


PAKISTAN Kanwals story

Driving through parts of Sindh is impossible, as so much of the area is underwater from new floods this year, with roads either inaccessible or crowded with families who have lost their homes



On this World Food Day, rain may be falling in some parts of the Horn of Africa. But there is no end in sight to the crisis that has left tens of thousands of people dead and hundreds of thousands on the edge of starvation.


PAKISTAN Eyes on the ground

“If you want something important done, don’t do it on Christmas Day – everyone will be away,” I remember my buddy joking, while we were bouncing around inside a Series 3 Land Rover on a security training exercise in New Zealand some time ago. Flash forward to Pakistan in August 2011: