Topic: Crisis Response


MALI new food crisis looming in northern part

Bamako, Mali. More than 800,000 people need immediate food assistance, and across the country three million people are at risk of not finding enough to eat, according to the result of the December 2013 Harmonized Framework which convenes non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, and United Nations agencies working on food security in the Sahel . More than half of these people are living in northern Mali.


Desperate for Water in South Sudan

As violence continues in South Sudan, CARE is working to help families who have fled their homes. On February 18, opposition forces launched an attack on Upper Nile State’s capital, Malakal. The town had already been devastated by more than six weeks of fighting in December 2013 and January 2014


Return To Jonglei

The small plane packed to capacity with people and medicine touched down in a cloud of dust and was immediately surrounded by people who had been almost completely cut off from the outside world by two months of conflict in the world’s newest nation.


Why We Are Running the Dead to Red Marathon

Four months ago, I moved from Germany to Jordan to support the work of our emergency team for Syrian refugees. During these four months I have talked to a lot of refugees about their fleeing Syria, their experiences, their hopes and their fears.


My Students Will Keep Me Running

I grew up in the Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian Refugees in Damascus and used to be an English teacher before I had to flee to Jordan. It’s been almost two years since I last stood in front of my class at Al Emleha school


Inspired to Sing

We would like to introduce you to Eleuteria Mariano, a 78-year-old widow from the village of Amar, Antique Province on the island of Panay, Philippines. Before he died five years ago, her husband was a tenant farmer on a two-and-a-half hectare rice field. This was the only the source of income for the family for 25 years.