Topic: Crisis Response


SYRIA Inside Syria Ibrahim A Childhood Suspended

It never occurred to 8-year-old Ibrahim that his capacity to speak could so easily disappear. But after heavy bombing of his neighborhood, he inexplicably lost the ability to form words. The extreme fear he experienced during the bombing stole his voice, his mother says. Ibrahim left school after the incident and lost touch with his friends who had difficulty communicating with their friend.


CAMEROON Access to Water and Psychosocial Support to CAR Refugees

The outbreak of violence in Central African Republic (CAR) has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homeland. More than 100,000 of them have sought safety in Cameroon. CARE provides them with access to water and sanitation, as well as psychosocial support. Camille Bargain, emergency officer for CARE France, bears witness to this situation.


BELGIUM Brussels Donor Meeting Women Must be at the Centre of the Ebola Response

Today a major international donor conference is taking place in Brussels to plan the rebuilding of Ebola hit countries. Having just recently returned from Sierra Leone and Liberia, I would like to share my reflection on how the impact of the crisis is affecting women and girls. Quite a crucial aspect, and a gender transformative approach should inform donor commitment in Brussels this Tuesday.