Topic: Crisis Response


MALAWI Shelter Kits for Flood Affected Families

The kits are a first installment of shelter and non-food items being procured by CARE with a €200,000 grant from the Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department of the European Commission (ECHO) to ensure that most vulnerable among the flood affected families have dignified temporary shelter as they begin to rebuild their lives after the devastation of the floods.


VANUATU Life Begins Under Pams Terrifying Eye

Packing winds of up to 360 kilometres an hour, Category Five Cyclone Pam is the largest cyclone on record to have hit the South Pacific region. Its destruction has claimed lives, left much of the beautiful island nation of Vanuatu in ruins, and left thousands homeless.


VANUATU CARE Deeply Concerned about Impact on Remote Islands

Three days after cyclone Pam devastated the island state of Vanuatu, CARE International warns that many remote communities are still isolated and cut off from communications. „We are extremely concerned about the Southern Islands of Erromango, Tanna, Aniwa and Futuna as these were directly hit by cyclone Pam and people had limited protection from the storm.