Topic: Crisis Response


NEPAL People Are Not Helpless

After one month, CARE and the other humanitarian actors working on the earthquake response have managed to do a lot, despite the huge logistical challenges. We have reached over 23,000 people with initial life-saving aid across four of the worst affected districts. However, there remains much, much more to do


SYRIA Small Islands Connected Like A Chain

Two years ago Hayat*’s life was turned upside down when her husband disappeared, taken by authorities. She has not heard from him since. At the time, they were living with their four daughters in his family’s village near Kobane, Syria.


NEPAL A New Life After the Quake

Chiranjibi Nepal, who is leading CARE Nepal’s programs on sexual and reproductive health, writes about the challenges of providing health care to pregnant and lactating women after the earthquake


JORDAN Finding Home Elsewhere

In April 2011, approximately one month after the beginning of the conflict in Syria, Fayez, his wife, and their six children had to flee their village in Homs. They remained displaced, moving from place to place across the country, for more than three years. Then, on the third of May 2014, the family crossed into Jordan where they were taken immediately to Azraq refugee camp, which had opened a few days earlier.