Topic: Crisis Response


NIGER A Patient Community

'Number seven' stands up from the patterned straw mat, rubs away the folds in her pink dress and approaches the five women that have been elected to run the savings box. She puts this week’s savings amount in a blue plastic bowl before the notes are moved over to the box.


TURKEY CARE Information Volunteers Help Tackle Child Marriage

Motaz [name changed*] sits in a circle of Syrian refugees leading a conversation about issues facing the refugees who have fled to Turkey from nearby Kobane in northern Syria. The group are all part of CARE’s new Information Volunteer programme which provides psychosocial support to Syrian refugees on a range of diverse and sometimes sensitive topics – including gender-based violence and child marriage.


NEPAL The Loss Of So Much More Than Just A Home

Earthquakes, perhaps more than any other type of disaster, are a shelter disaster. In Nepal this is more the case than any disaster I’ve known – but the effects of the earthquake are far from simple, and the knock-on effects go beyond people just lacking a roof over their heads.