Story type: Story


HAITI We must educate our children

The parents of Léogâne’s Mellier community have a long history of banding together to help one another. In the chaos that enveloped Haiti following the departure of the ruling Duvalier family in 1987, a group of parents in Mellier formed the Association of Parents of Mellier (ASPAM), a PTA-like association to make sure their kids’ schooling continued without interruption


NEPAL GBV No more silent sufferings

Women have long been victims of gender based violence, especially in countries like Nepal. Women, particularly from poor vulnerable and excluded communities, live a life where they are made to believe that it is they are destined to suffer and nothing can be done about it.


VIETNAM Underwater in the Mekong Delta

Sitting three deep in a glorified canoe, I’m carefully motored across the Plane of Reeds on the Mekong Delta in south west Vietnam. I’m told that six metres below the water’s surface sit rice fields, land which only a month ago held hope of a buster harvest, with it the offerings of a livelihood and a helping hand out of extreme poverty.


SOMALIA Turning mirrors into windows

Zeinab Abdillahi, 23, was born in the village of Ina Cunaaye, Somaliland. She and her eight younger siblings were delivered by a traditional birth attendant in their parents’ two-room stick and papyrus hut. Ina Cunaaye is poor and remote, and with droughts for most of the year water is precious and people sometimes have to search for miles to find it. Many families like Zeinab’s struggle to feed their children.


THAILAND Bangkok turns into a sinking ship

“Today, Oct 24 is a public holiday in Thailand. We have just completed an assessment on the situation of migrant workers who are affected by the floods in a few selected areas around Bangkok. There seems to be very little emergency assistance for those workers, who have no means to support themselves.


NIGER Hope and anxiety in Moujia

Last year, 20 percent of households in Niger were affected by a devastating food crisis. The village of Moujia, located between the cities of Konni and Tahoua in the center-west of the country, gave a picture of the situation at that time