Story type: Story


PAKISTAN A day in the CARE health camp

The monsoon floods of August 2011 have displaced millions of people from their modest huts in the areas of lower Sindh province. After almost three months stranded under open sky, many are still waiting for proper temporary shelter, water, sanitation and healthcare support.


PAKISTAN Kanwals story

Driving through parts of Sindh is impossible, as so much of the area is underwater from new floods this year, with roads either inaccessible or crowded with families who have lost their homes


PAKISTAN Eyes on the ground

“If you want something important done, don’t do it on Christmas Day – everyone will be away,” I remember my buddy joking, while we were bouncing around inside a Series 3 Land Rover on a security training exercise in New Zealand some time ago. Flash forward to Pakistan in August 2011:


PAKISTAN Another year another flood

Just one year after an unprecedented flood affected 20 million people, new flooding is threatening lives and livelihoods in Pakistan. Sindh, a province in the south of the country, is the worst affected. Nearly one million houses have been damaged, thousands of livestock have been lost and more than five


KENYA Refugees find safety and security in Dadaab

Janet Ndoti Ndila is a tough lady with a tender heart. She’s the lead counselor at CARE’s drop-in support center at the Dagahaley refugee camp in Dadaab, Kenya. Here she offers a trained ear, and a map through the maze of camp bureaucracy, to people who have suffered some of the most horrific things imaginable in their flight from hunger and despair.