Topic: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene


Dadaab: Donkeys and dignity

Why Toilets? Sanitation is important. Clean and safe toilets have a positive effect on all of us. Good sanitation prevents children from illnesses like diarrheal diseases, keeps girls in school and reduces health care costs. Meet Faith and her son to learn more.


‘White gold’ brings wells of hope

A cotton flower is soft, fluffy and beautiful. But a 40 kilo bag of cotton is a 40 kilo bag - and Severine and Maina, two middle-aged women, have come a long way transporting their heavy load to the buyers' market here in Muape, northern Mozambique. They are tired but happy: It is payday, and selling 800 kilos of cotton each to the local cotton company means food, shelter and schooling for their families for the coming months.


HAITI World Toilet Day

I’d like you to try something out for me. This morning when you wake up, you do not have access to a toilet. This might take some mental preparedness as we are so accustomed to always having access to a toilet. And, I'm not talking about remembering your rustic camping forays into the forest