Topic: Economic Justice


MALI A day in the life of Hawa

It’s four o’clock in the morning and Hawa Hamadou Dibo has just woken up in the little house she shares with her husband and their two children. The house, which only has two rooms, is on the outskirts of the village Ouo Saré in Mali. It’s still dark outside when Hawa starts her morning ritual.


MALAWI Margarets saving grace

Throughout the small region of Chakhaza in Malawi there are generations of women who were never able to finish primary school. They live in some of the poorest communities in the country, and sadly, in the past have lacked opportunities to help their families escape the cycle of poverty


ETHIOPIA A remarkable pastoralist woman in Darara

Dama Godana knows all too well how difficult the life of a pastoralist woman is. In addition to the usual daily household chores of cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children, she has to walk long distances to fetch water and pasture for the small and weak animals during the dry season.


KOSOVO Farm Holidays in Novo Brdo

Xhema loves his wife and he loves her “Maze”. No-one else – as he points out – can cook this traditional Kosovar dish as well as Tevide. Nowadays not only his family eats this tasty dish, visitors from all over Kosovo have confirmed his bold statement.