Topic: Economic Justice


Economic empowerment of women spurring peace in South Sudan

When Akur Anyang Thuch (33) from Panyagor started a tailoring course, her friends and close relatives thought she was out of her mind. Five years down the line, Akur looks back with pride. She now owns her own tailoring shop and teaches other women from the community how to make clothes. However, her road to success wasn’t without some challenges.


Saucing safer tomatoes in the West Bank

Ala’a is a 35-year-old tomato grower, his farm nested within the Jordan Valley in northern West Bank. Over the past nine months, through support from CARE, Ala’a has established a demonstration tomato greenhouse that follows safer pesticide practices to fight against fungi, viruses and insects.


Women Entrepreneurs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Afaf was the first farmer and woman to grow baby cucumber in the West Bank. She is now recruiting her own staff to help the business grow. Fa’eda’s eggplants have been tested and CARE is facilitating the provision of the certification which will allow her to sell her products at a higher price. Nisreen is the breeder of fifty sheep and goats and - according to the locals – “the best of the Jordan Valley when it comes to producing homemade white cheese."


Filling in the Blanks

This is not a story of a one-man show facing the world, the all hail Caesar type. This story is unlike in fiction with having to go through a stereotypical plot of transition from a protagonist to hero/heroine. I wouldn’t say this is a sad story either. This is simply a story of an empty jar that is NO longer empty.