Topic: Economic Justice


South Sudan: united we progress

In the local Lotuko language Ituba means ‘united we progress’. It is also the name chosen by a group of 30 women in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan for their one-month old village savings and loans (VSLA) group. A statement of purpose and of hope.


‘White gold’ brings wells of hope

A cotton flower is soft, fluffy and beautiful. But a 40 kilo bag of cotton is a 40 kilo bag - and Severine and Maina, two middle-aged women, have come a long way transporting their heavy load to the buyers' market here in Muape, northern Mozambique. They are tired but happy: It is payday, and selling 800 kilos of cotton each to the local cotton company means food, shelter and schooling for their families for the coming months.


Women Power in Sri Lanka

“Remember one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in recent history? 11 years ago, a Tsunami killed over 230,000 people in Asia and Africa, and devastated large parts of Indonesia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. The latter country was in the middle of a bloody civil war, which had lasted almost 30 years. Sri Lanka was not a good place to be, despite the beauty of its landscape and its people.


HAITI Saving for a better future

After a one hour drive on tortuous roads outside of Dame Marie, I finally reach “Nan Sapou.”, a commune of Grande-Anse. Coming out of the car, I am greeted by a vivacious young woman that immediately reminds me of a bee, buzzing back and forth; she can’t seem to stay in place, hopping from one foot to another.