Topic: Crisis Response


Bosnia and Herzegovina: New Refugee Route to Western Europe

Since the closure of the Balkan route in early 2016, the border to Serbia is hardly passable. More and more refugees cross to Bosnia and Herzegovina instead, hoping to reach Croatia and travel on to the Schengen Zone and Northern Europe. At the moment, there is an average of 100 to 150 people crossing the border every day. Since January 2018, more than 4,870 people have arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina – as many as in the entire previous year.


Web Update: “A triple tragedy for the people of Somalia”

The people of Somalia have been hit by a triple tragedy. In the wake of three years of devastating drought, Tropical Cyclone Sagar made landfall in the country’s northwest on May 19, leaving a trail of destruction across the states of Puntland and Somaliland. Meanwhile, in the south, floods brought on by heavy seasonal rains in May have affected over half a million people, the majority of them women.


Winds of change bring good tidings for the people of Mossuril, Mozambique

Most years, storms wreak havoc on this coastal community in Nampula province, and Mossuril’s residents count the cost of damage to roads, bridges and homes, many of which are made of nothing more than woven palm and thatch. Lives are lost and familes made homeless. But the introduction of an early-warning system by CARE together with the Mozambican National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC), is bringing good winds of change to the people of Mossuril.


Kindness and Humanity, Horror and Sorrow

Thomas Markert recently visited CARE project sites supporting refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Uganda. He tells us the story of the refugees he met, of the sorrow and horrors the face, and the dedicated volunteers who are helping to ease their suffering.


Joint NGO reactive to 6th International Conference on Syria

Joint NGO reactive: CARE, IRC, Mercy Corps, NRC, Save the Children, Oxfam, Humanity and Inclusion, Action Against Hunger, World Vision. As the 6th international conference on the Syria crisis concluded this Wednesday, nine international organisations welcomed the commitments that were made by attendees, and noted the following in reaction to its outcomes.