Topic: Crisis Response


PHILIPPINES Rebuilding Tacloban

When Typhoon Haiyan’s 16-foot storm surge crashed into this seaside neighborhood in Tacloban, a group of 300 neighbors clung to a rope atop a roof. When it was over, only three houses were left standing in the seafront area.


PHILIPPINES Doing Wonders with the Community

Expert Q&A on Typhoon Haiyan Relief: Athena Gepte, age 24, coordinated the first wave of food distributions after Typhoon Haiyan decimated large parts of the island of Leyte in the Philippines. She works for CARE’s local partner ACCORD. Here, she talks about the challenges of getting aid to people after massive disaster—and also the rewards.


PHILIPPINES The Shelter Situation in the Philippines

Gabriel Fernandez del Pino is a shelter and reconstruction advisor with CARE International UK who is working as part of CARE’s emergency relief team responding to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Mr. del Pino has worked in several large scale disasters including the Haiti earthquake and floods in Pakistan. The following is a short interview with him from November 19, 2013.


PHILIPPINES Helping the Philippines Stand Up

“Bangon Ormoc!” It’s scrawled on walls that Typhoon Haiyan has stripped of metal railings. It’s written on plywood stacked against bent electrical poles. It’s on T-shirts. In the city of Ormoc, nearly brought to its knees by massive typhoon destruction, it means: “Stand Up.”


PHILIPPINES Twice a Survivor

It was the most terrifying moment in our lives,” says Fay Camallere, a woman from the typhoon-stricken city of Ormoc in the Philippines. “I felt death was coming.”Fay had felt death coming before. In 1991 at age 13, she was walking home from school when powerful flash