Topic: Crisis Response


SYRIA We Must Respond

When I was still living in Syria, I knew that my future would be in the humanitarian relief sector. At that time, I wasn’t forced to leave Syria, but I left my country with the motive of becoming an aid worker to help my people.


SOUTH SUDAN The Long Walk Through Guit

To vaccinate a child or not? It’s been a hotly contested debate recently in some parts of the world. In many parts of the world, vaccines are easily available and have without a doubt helped save many lives.


MYANMAR As the Clock Struck 12

Severe flooding and landslides in Myanmar, caused by Cyclone Komen hitting neighbouring Bangladesh, have led to the country’s worst natural disaster since Cyclone Nargis in 2008. Many villagers have lost everything and the road to recovery will be long as hundreds of thousands of acres of rice paddies and farm land have been inundated.