Story type: Story


SYRIA I Thought the Boat Was My Only Chance

About a year ago, I planned to pay a smuggler to get on a boat to Europe. A lot of people in Europe think that us refugees don’t know that we can die at sea, that we have not seen the horrific pictures of refugees’ dead bodies, that we don’t know that tens of thousands of people have been buried on Europe’s shores.


YEMEN Running for My Life

Bushra Aldukhainah is Humanitarian Coordinator for CARE Yemen. Her role includes leading all the humanitarian activities in Hajjah province supporting internally displaced people and host communities mainly with livelihoods, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion support.


VANUATU Life Begins Under Pams Terrifying Eye

Packing winds of up to 360 kilometres an hour, Category Five Cyclone Pam is the largest cyclone on record to have hit the South Pacific region. Its destruction has claimed lives, left much of the beautiful island nation of Vanuatu in ruins, and left thousands homeless.