Story type: Story


UN Commission on the Status of Women Without womens voices we will fail

I am proud to be with our CARE International delegation together with over 9,000 participants from civil society organizations from all over the world who have gathered in New York for two weeks. We are here for the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), an annual meeting in which world leaders meet to review progress on women’s rights.


Voices of women from disaster affected communities for the UN World Humanitarian Summit

Every year, hundreds of women’s rights activists come to New York to lobby governments in the United Nations on gender equality during the annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This year, CARE International has partnered with UN Women and the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat to convene a workshop during CSW to consult activists from countries torn apart by war and natural disasters on how to better protect and empower women and girls in times of crisis.


SYRIA Inside Syria Ibrahim A Childhood Suspended

It never occurred to 8-year-old Ibrahim that his capacity to speak could so easily disappear. But after heavy bombing of his neighborhood, he inexplicably lost the ability to form words. The extreme fear he experienced during the bombing stole his voice, his mother says. Ibrahim left school after the incident and lost touch with his friends who had difficulty communicating with their friend.