Story type: Story


GLOBAL A Mixed Bag

I’ve been privileged to join the final World Humanitarian Summit Regional Consultation in South and Central Asia this week in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, and all in all it has been a mixed bag.


CAMEROON Faces of Displacement

Life for many of the communities in the far north of Cameroon is one of constant fear and uncertainty. Thousands have been forced to flee for their lives after violent attacks by armed groups from neighbouring Nigeria, and an estimated 130,000 people have been displaced within the country


GLOBAL What Is In The Text

Martha Rojas-Urrego, CARE International Head of Global Advocacy, follows the latest negotiations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda in New York. Here she explains CARE’s position on the latest draft of what will be adopted by the global community in September.


NEPAL Planting Seeds of Hope for the Future

CARE’s Binisha Ranjitkar recently visited Sindhupalchowk district, Nepal – one of the worst affected by the recent earthquake. Here she met Sup Yonjan who talked about the recent seed distributions by CARE and how they are helping him regain his livelihood and rebuild his life.


SOUTH SUDAN Celebration or Sadness

On July 9 2011, South Sudan became the world’s newest country. After decades of war, the break from Sudan was celebrated across the country. From tiny villages to the new capital Juba, expectations were high.


NIGER Starting Over in Sayam

My name is Balkissa, I am 30 years old and the mother of four children. My husband’s name is Amadou, and together with our children we fled our home town of Damassak, Nigeria, when it was attacked by armed groups.