Story type: Story


Volunteering during times of drought

Joaquina and Relia have been neighbors in a little village close to Funhalouro in the Southeast of Mozambique for many years. The two friends spend hours to fetch water every day. Their village has no running water, no electricity and the nearest hospital is hours away. They live in a little round hut that they have built themselves with poles out of wood.


Serbia: Found in Translation

Amira Halilovic is from Sarajevo, Bosnia. Milica Katitc is from Serbia. They have so much in common that they do not seem to give any importance to the bloody factions that divided their two countries just a few years ago.


The economy — not just bombs — is killing Yemen

Ask anyone in Yemen, “How has your life been impacted by the war?” and instead of naming the violence from airstrikes, missiles or gunfire, the more common response might be, “Everything is so expensive now, and I can no longer find work to support my family.”


‘White gold’ brings wells of hope

A cotton flower is soft, fluffy and beautiful. But a 40 kilo bag of cotton is a 40 kilo bag - and Severine and Maina, two middle-aged women, have come a long way transporting their heavy load to the buyers' market here in Muape, northern Mozambique. They are tired but happy: It is payday, and selling 800 kilos of cotton each to the local cotton company means food, shelter and schooling for their families for the coming months.


Through mud, fire and the cold: Batoul is unstoppable.

In February 2016, Batoul packed a bag, carried her four-months-old baby, and headed into the unknown all by herself. She fought with smugglers, escaped a fire, almost drowned with her baby, had no food for three days, walked for a week in a cold forest, and traveled thousands of kilometers by bus, boat, and on foot until she reached Serbia in June 2016.