Story type: Story


Fourteen years to ‘zero hunger’

World Food Day has been marked every year on 16 October since 1979, and is observed by more than 150 countries. One can’t help but reflect on the social inequity that for millions of people, food is – at best –- bare sustenance to make it to tomorrow. by Wolfgang Jamann, CEO and Secretary General of CARE International


Charity ‘begins’ at home

I was sitting under tree in Omoliha market, Torit one weekend when a little girl of around six years, in ragged clothes, came and stood by my side quietly without a word and hugging herself for warmth. Seeing that she wasn’t likely to start conversation I asked her how she was and she replied; ‘’I am hungry.’’


Syria: Humanity under Fire

The heinous attack against a UN humanitarian aid convoy to Aleppo shocked the world. It is a sad manifestation of the great danger humanitarian workers are facing in Syria today: caught between the front lines, constantly on the run from shelling, bombing, kidnapping and arrest.