Story type: Story


South Sudan: We won’t give up on you

In all my 16 years as a humanitarian aid worker, I have never seen anything like the violence that besieged Juba, South Sudan, last month. It started on a Thursday night with small-arms gunfire that I thought would end quickly.


How a Serbian Widow is Giving Back to Syria

Zorica Pavlovic Shalabi’s Syrian husband died in 2002, after having lived together in Serbia for 16 years. He left Zorica with two teenage children, no work experience, and no one to help her. Except her husband’s family in Syria.


“Our family needs to be stronger than the drought”

Almost two decades ago, Alejandro (38) and Rosina (34) met at a disco in a village close to Funhalouro, in the south of Mozambique. “I saw him and fell in love at first sight,” Rosina says with a big smile on her face. “We wanted to start our own family and live a good life together.”