News type: Press release


GLOBAL Countdown starts for Paris climate deal

The endgame for the UN climate deal has begun with only a few days left until countries are expected to adopt a new agreement to tackle climate change. In response to the draft Paris outcome text released on the 9th of December, Sven Harmeling, Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator for humanitarian aid organisation CARE International, made the following statement


GLOBAL World Leaders Must Match Words With Action on Loss and Damage as Talks Get Serious

Three major civil society groups demand that the UN climate talks follow through on leaders’ calls for action to help the world’s most vulnerable people. This call follows the Climate Vulnerable Forum’s Declaration to upscale national climate action and a series of statements from richer countries at COP21 promising to help populations already suffering the effects of climate change.


GLOBAL CARE Response to El Niño

El Niño is the world's biggest weather phenomenon, happening every few years when warm water collected in the western Pacific slosh back eastwards, affecting rain patterns and temperatures across the world. The last major El Niño happened in 1997-98, with weather disruptions that claimed around 21,000 lives and caused at least 35 billion US$ worth of destruction worldwide. This year, El Niño is predicted to be the strongest since records began in 1950.


GLOBAL CAREs Response to El Nino

(November, 2015) - The global weather system known as “El Niño” this year is likely to become one of the strongest on record, affecting rain patterns and temperatures across the world for the rest of the year and into 2016. The last major El Niño was in 1997-98. It caused at least US$ 35 billion worth of destruction worldwide.