Topic: Governance and Accountability


CARE International Evaluation Policy

This Evaluation Policy is being articulated to help CARE achieve its vision and mission of poverty reduction and rights fulfilment, through the promotion of institutional accountability, continuous learning, and transparent sharing of project and programme evaluations both internally and externally.

Orange card with white Text Safeguarding Policy

CARE International Safeguarding Policy

In CARE, we recognize the particular responsibility we have to similarly promote human dignity and social justice within our own organization and maintain a safe and respectful workplace. We recognize the importance of organizational culture and accountability in creating a safe and supportive organization for our staff, our partners and the communities with whom we work.


CARE Financial Overview FY2019

In FY2019, CARE spent 85% of all funds raised on programs to benefit communities around the globe. We invest the rest in raising funds and supporting services that strengthen CARE's delivery worldwide. Read the full overview here.