Topic: Gender-Based Violence

Zimbabwe_school girl with green hat

5 Min Inspiration: Fighting child marriage by helping kids dream bigger

“As a peer leader I am teaching girls to be confident and to make decisions that build their future. Everyone should be able to say no and not be passive. This has brought discipline at school and both boys and girls are now more confident to report abuse. Both boys and girls now understand the importance of education and dreaming bigger." Chidzabwe

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5 Min Inspiration: Impacting 10% of people in need

Between 2015 and 2021 CARE and our partners have contributed to global change for 161 million people in 83 countries. We use the word “contributions” deliberately: in all our work, change happens through the combined efforts of many different actors, including civil society and movements, governments, and the private sector.

5 Min Inspiration: Eating more food and making more decisions

5 Min Inspiration: Eating more food and making more decisions

If you need health care, who makes the decisions about where you go, when you can visit a health center, and what treatment you can get? Do you have to ask permission from someone in your house? In Somalia, at the start of the project, 79% of women couldn’t make decisions themselves about when they or their kids got health care. 85% said they needed a husband’s permission to visit a clinic. By the end of the project, only 17% of women said they couldn’t make decisions about health care.