Topic: Education


17 years old, Yara, is a lesson in determination from North-West Syria

Yara* is a 17-year-old girl, originally from Deir Ezzor, in eastern Syria. Before the war, Yara and her family led a simple, peaceful life. She attended the primary school that was close to their house and describes those years as the best times of her childhood. Life was simple before the war. Yara had everything a little girl needed to flourish, but when the war started, her life changed forever.


5 girls defining what it means to be “unscripted and unstoppable” on International Day of the Girl

“Girl Force: Unscripted and unstoppable" is the theme for the 2019 International Day of the Girl Child, on October 11. Girl force describes the stories of these five girls from around the world. Forces for change, for hope, for inspiration and for bravery.


Echoing women’s voices in Marawi crisis

Marawi used to be a busy and vigorous city where Maranaos (local people from Marawi) harmoniously did business with each other until a bloody siege between the Philippine military forces and the ISIS-affiliated Maute Group struck.