Topic: Crisis Response


International organizations call for increased protection and support to civilians bearing the brunt of the conflict in the Lake Chad region

The nine-year long conflict in the Lake Chad Basin has dramatically affected the lives of more 10.7 million people who rely on humanitarian assistance to survive. The insurgency as well as military operations across the four countries have displaced 2.4 million people and left 5 million people food insecure, while significantly reducing economic activity.


Raped and wed by 14, this refugee volunteer fights against sexual violence

Earlier this year, thousands of Congolese risked their lives to flee their conflict-ridden country and seek refuge in Uganda. Pema* is one of them. Despite the trauma of rape, fleeing and violence, she is now trying to rebuild her life together with her 10 children in Kyangwali refugee settlement in Uganda. Eager to help people with similar trauma, she became a volunteer with CARE.


Joint Statement: One Year On: Meaningful progress needed to end impunity, discrimination and segregation in Rakhine State, say international agencies.

INGOs urge the Security Council to use the one-year anniversary as an opportunity to step up pressure on the government of Myanmar to take action on three critical areas: addressing the root causes of the crisis in Rakhine State; ensuring accountability for human rights violations and improving humanitarian access.