Topic: Crisis Response


Not just life-saving

Keeping your sense of self and, as a women, your femininity, can be hard when bombs are falling all around you and you’re running out of food and water, let alone makeup and perfume. But it is important. Keeping hope and holding on to the things that make you who you are when everything around you is falling apart is important.


Finding water amidst the conflict

Nearly a year of intense conflict and bombing has destroyed water pipes, storage tanks and water pumping facilities across Yemen, making it even harder for ordinary people to get enough water each day. According to the United Nations, nearly 20 million of Yemen’s people are now in need of water and sanitation assistance


More than money: the case for livelihoods support

Following last week’s conference in London where governments pledged significant sums to scale up the Syrian humanitarian response, CEO and Secretary General of CARE International, Dr Wolfgang Jamann, outlines how this money could best be spent, and why.


The Forgotten South - Fact Sheet

This assessment of Dar’a and Quneitra was conducted by CARE in partnership with NRC, and RFSAN/FAO (iMMAP) from August to October 2015, and reveals the impact of the crisis on rural and urban communities in southern Syria and the subsequent needs of the people affected.