Topic: Crisis Response


A cruel and deceptive green

It’s lusciously green all around us in this eastern highland community in Chauve province of Papua New Guinea. Deceptively and almost cruelly green. My colleagues from CARE Papua New Guinea and I have driven two hours from Goroka, the capital of the Eastern Highlands Province, to visit one of the communities where CARE is currently working to provide much needed assistance to those affected by the El Niño drought, the worst since 1997-98.


From milk vendor to coffee shop owner

The sun is scorching hot, with temperatures reaching 35 degrees Celsius in the town of Pagak, Upper Nile State. A crowd of women and men is patiently waiting to be served the traditional South Sudanese spiced tea and coffee common to the area.


ETHIOPIA EL NIÑO DROUGHT: In eight weeks, millions will have no food if funding gap persists

23 February 2016: Ethiopia is now firmly in the epicentre of the global El Niño crisis, with widespread drought severely impacting large swathes of the north, central and eastern highlands. With a gap in the supply fast approaching, over 10 million are at risk of going without food by April. CARE International today classified Ethiopia as Type 4 emergency, the most severe.