Topic: Crisis Response


South Sudan is a five year old girl

Five year old Nyawich was born just 4 days after Independence. She has been living in the UN Mission in South Sudan’s ‘Protection of Civilians’ (POC) site since April 2014 with her mother Nyasigin, father, 2 siblings and grandmother.


El Niño: The worst is yet to come

“What exactly is El Niño?” I was asked this question more than once in the past months. For many El Niño is an abstract term, something that reminds them of difficult geology lessons. For 40 million people in Southern Africa, however, this weather phenomenon caused by warm water collected in the western Pacific moving back eastwards, has very real and concrete ramifications.


As UN Special Envoy on El Niño and Climate Change visits Ethiopia, CARE warns how women and girls face double disaster of drought

As the new UN Special Envoy on El Niño and Climate Change, Ms Mary Robinson, visits Ethiopia this week, CARE, a leading international humanitarian organization, calls on her to support the Ethiopian government further in its efforts to raise global attention to the current food insecurity.


Niger Faces 'Humanitarian Catastrophe' Unless Action Taken Now

Several recent attacks by Nigerian militants across the border into the area of Bosso in southeastern Niger have forced refugees to flee further into the region of Diffa. The long forced walks towards safety without food and water – especially taxing on women and children – have caused several deaths, though the exact number is not yet established.


Precious care in a food crisis

One of the strongest El Niño cycles in recorded history has caused drought and flooding around the world. In Ethiopia successive crop failures due to drought, have forced more than 10 million people into a food crisis. For some, what seed was saved to be planted had to be eaten.