Topic: Crisis Response


A photo that shook the world: One year on

On September 3, 2015, a single photo dominated the front pages of newspapers and online media worldwide. It was a little boy, three years old, his small body twisted and soaking wet, lying lifeless on a Turkish beach. Four and a half kilometers: that is the distance he would have had to overcome, to make it to the Greek island of Kos, to the promise of Europe: four and a half kilometers to find security and freedom.


“CARE saved the life of my daughter”

Andarieta Titosse, 40 years old, is a widow and mother of three children. Her youngest child is less than seven months old. When Nércia was born, she weighed only two kilogram. During the pregnancy, Andarieta Titosse had hardly anything to eat, and there were days she could not sleep because of hunger.