Topic: Advocacy


BALKANS Evidence of Change in Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment

Geneva, June 6 2013. Empowering women and girls to achieve their rights is a fundamental pillar of peaceful development in the Balkans, says CARE International in its latest report Evidence of Change in Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Balkans. The report focuses on CARE’s work in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia over the past seven years and highlights the impact of programs and partnerships to overcome poverty and marginalization of minorities.


DR CONGO Goma calling as Angelina Jolie visits CARE project

Two weeks ago, Yawo Douvon, CARE’s country director in the Democratic Republic of Congo, found himself showing Angelina Jolie and UK foreign minister William Hague around the Lac Vert camp for displaced people near Goma, where they had come to meet rape survivors.