Story type: Story


Ukraine: “Away from the fighting - as far as possible”

6.5 million people have fled since the war began inside Ukraine. People who have had to leave their homes and often family members behind. Women, children, and elderly people who need a safe roof over their heads, a job but also food, baby nutrients and hygiene items such as soap and shampoo.


Ukraine: “We had a future, but it was taken from us”

It is a small place, sparsely furnished, clothes are piled up in the corner. It looks like a kind of closet if it were not for the six mattresses that are squeezed tightly together on the floor. “This is where we live at the moment,” says Oleksandra, who fled Mariupol with her children and grandchildren and has been living in this small room for over a month. There are a few suitcases and bags with clothes on the floor next to the mattresses. “That's all we could save,” says Oleksandra. “We had a future, but it was taken from us on February 24 – the beginning of the war in Ukraine.”