Story type: Story


Preventing and treating HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

At 22 years old, Matilde Alfiado and her friends aren’t afraid to ask for condoms. In the northern Mozambican costal village of Vilanculos, HIV/AIDS prevalence has reached 12.5% and general understanding of HIV is low.


Bringing back hope in Mozambique

Two years ago, 28 year-old Jose Cossa, thought his life was over. He was tired and afraid, his girlfriend had left him and he lost his job because he was too sick to get up to go to work. He had contracted tuberculosis as a secondary infection to what was later to be determined to be HIV/AIDS.


PAKISTAN This is the saddest thing I have seen

As we approached the village, we could see 60 or 70 dead bodies lined up, ready to be buried. There were many children – very small bodies, wrapped in blankets or clothing. It was terrible to see. Another mass grave had just been covered over. In all, the villagers say there were almost 200 people who died here in this village.


HONDURAS Giving birth in a natural disaster

The Municipality of Tegucigalpa issued an eviction order to those living in houses in Colonia Altos del Eden on Friday October 17, 2008, due to the geological fault existing in this area which arrived at 11:00 pm. This fault added to the tropical storm caused several houses to collapse and many structural damages making this area uninhabitable.


ZAMBIA A tale of two schools

The school motto, printed on the white board in the little school office, is simple: “Education is a necessity”. It is appropriate. A firm belief in that simple truth led the people of this community in Chipata, Zambia, to establish the Mchini Basic School for orphans and vulnerable children.


RWANDA Building a life from scratch

Canizius Ukurikiyimana was only 19-years-old when he was forced to leave Tanzania and resettle in Rugeyo, a small village in Rwanda’s eastern province. He is one of many thousands of Rwandans who were expelled from Tanzania in late 2006, leaving almost everything he worked for and loved behind. For Canizius, this meant his entire family.