Story type: Story


VIETNAM: Early morning sunlight

It has been nearly one year since I met Nguyet but I still remember our first meeting exactly. That day, travelling from the hub of Ho Chi Minh City in the early morning, we arrived at the office of the Morning Sunlight self-help group for people living with HIV at around 8.30am.


WORLD REFUGEE DAY The scars never go away

Derreck fled from Uganda to escape the Idi Amin Regime. He spent 10 years as a refugee in Kenya before immigrating to the United States. Today Derreck works for CARE as Senior Advocacy Field Coordinator responsible for recruiting and mobilizing American constituencies to influence policy in favour of International development.


NIGER One step closer to the edge

The only thing Attahirou Roro can do with his dried-up crops is to use them as material for the walls of his little hut. Too little rain during the last planting season meant diminished crops


MALAWI Today I can help my friends

Many years ago in a small village an hour outside of the Malawian capital of Lilongwe, a young girl named Giliseliya was forced to leave school after her older sister had a baby. Overnight she became a caregiver instead of a student and lost her hope of finishing school. Today, at 39 years of age, Giliseliya is determined to ensure the same fate doesn’t happen to her own two children, even in the face of a food crisis.


NIGER Crisis in Mani Ada

“My two small fields produce 80 bales of millet on average each year. This year, I only harvested one bale,” said Aichatou Saidou, seated on a mat, her gaze fixed somewhere in the dusty sky of Mani Ada, a village in the commune of Bagaroua, in the region of Tahoua.


NIGER Survival in Guilley the power of women

Guilley, a village deep in Niger, reflects the impact of the food crisis that 6,130 villages are living through in Niger. But Guilley also reflects the resilience and the resourcefulness of women in coping through crises in the Sahel.


MALI A day in the life of Hawa

It’s four o’clock in the morning and Hawa Hamadou Dibo has just woken up in the little house she shares with her husband and their two children. The house, which only has two rooms, is on the outskirts of the village Ouo Saré in Mali. It’s still dark outside when Hawa starts her morning ritual.